Time Well Spent

At first I thought it was too late. But then I decided it wasn’t.

Happy Mother’s Day my dear sisters.

This is to all of you – whether spiritual mothers or birth mothers.

We are all mothers.

I’ve noted a few things in PRISON – which is what my grandma calls this season. Don’t judge her. She’s 89 on the 18th floor of a high rise. Her primary therapy is walking the isles of Publix several days a week. She’s had no therapy in months.

I’ve noted a few things in quarantine.

My friend C feels the aloneness. On her weeks without her kids, she misses face to face friendship and community.

My friends C & N long for summer. They work during sleeping hours and sit at the screen with their six year olds from 8 to 3.

Many of my friends cherish time with kiddos normally at college.

My mom let her dad go from afar. He passed away in the nursing home without her. She had been mothering him for the last few years.

I took a drive to Orlando with my mom for a doctor’s appointment. After a day away, I stood in my last stop before bed with hot water raining down on my body.

I thought, Dear God, what do you say of today?

The words came pouring down from heaven clear as day.

Time Well Spent.

I’ve noted a few things in quarantine.

Much of what we do as spiritual and birth mothers can be described as listening quietly to the Spirit’s tug.

What does this spiritual or birth child need to flourish?

The ministry comes in many forms. The ministry is squarely tailored upon what only a spiritual or birth mother knows.

  • Language of love
  • Interpretation of hidden emotion
  • Timing of encouragement
  • Measure of discipleship

May I tell the truth we already have tucked in our soul?

This is the Ministry of Time Well Spent.

There are more to these words than I am able to tell in this space.

I’ve learned Confidentiality from four teachers:

Aslan tells the Boy (in the Horse and His Boy) that he cannot tell another’s story. It is theirs alone to know such mysteries.

Annie Downs (in her book Looking For Lovely) leaves out the part of the journey that she has not been released to tell.

My two oldest friends corrected my character many years ago. You don’t tell what is not yours to share.

The Rules of Professional Conduct tell me confidentiality can only be breached if there is danger to the person or a crime in the works.

None of these apply here. Sometimes the truth of a matter can be expressed without the facts of the story included.

The quarantine has taught me again the meaning of Time Well Spent.

Spiritual and birth mothers, let’s be in tune to the Ministry of Time. It is ours to give. Perhaps it is our greatest gift received and our greatest gift to give.

In my own little corner of the world kind of way, I crown you, spiritual and birth mothers. Wear your crown well as you lead those that have been given to you.

End your days asking God, what do you say of today?

Let the words come pouring down from heaven clear as day.

Time Well Spent.


Your Soul Sister Sasha

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